Lighting Products
Emergency Lighting
We provide complete emergency lighting services from design through to installation.
Our range of products and Self-contained equipment with 5 year warranties.
Central Batteries
From single phase compact units to three phase units up to 250kVA, we have your project needs covered.
Find out more about making emergency lighting compliant with BS 5266 and the service we offer.
Understand emergency lighting & BS 5266 better with our FIA accredited CPD. Find out more
Insights, News & Expertise
Our experts share their perspectives on the issues, trends, technologies and regulations that are affecting the industry and our places of work.
Lighting Upgrade Advice To Overcome The UK Fluorescent Lamp Ban
UK bans fluorescent lamps for mercury content. Ensure compliance and efficiency with LED upgrades with our expert advice.
Can You Still Fix It? Yes, We Can!
Installing a brand-new lighting system is not always an option. We look at alternatives to keeping your current lighting running.
Fluorescent Lighting Ban
UK Government announced its schedule for the phasing-out of fluorescent lamps
Lighting industry unites behind the circular economy
Llumarlite becomes a Founding Partner of CIBSE’s TM66 Circular economy steering group.
LED’s - Fade Away, Don’t Radiate
Can you fit and forget with LED lighting? We take a look at some the issues that can affect LED panels, ways to reduce problems and improve lighting.
Spanner in the works?
We look into some of the most common reasons that can stop lighting upgrades and offer solutions that could help you progress your lighting projects.
know the true cost of service?
Understanding the true cost of your current lighting can be complex. We look at 6 ways to help you break down the hidden costs associated with lighting.
The Performance Gap. What Can You Do About It?
When a building does not perform as anticipated; the “Gap” between the design & realities of day to day operations can see a massive overconsumption of energy.
Difficulty sourcing obsolete lighting & components?
Concerned about your lighting becoming more expensive to run and repair as technology moves on and sourcing parts becomes harder?
Which is the best Lighting Control System?
Evaluating the merits of Networked, IoT or Standalone options and summarises the key points.
Legal responsibilities for commercial lighting
Navigate your way through complex regulations around electrical installations, fire avoidance, emergency lighting and life safety systems.
LED lighting health check
Feeling confident with your LED luminaires? Take a closer look and they might not be as good as you think.
Need to save, can't spend?
Could you be wasting more money by not addressing ageing lighting than facing it head on?
Compatibility issues affecting lighting
Looking at some of the most common lighting compatibility issues that can affect users experience.
Enhance your lighting & reduce bills WITHOUT LEDs?
When it comes to lighting there’s a range of options to maximise your lighting. We take a sideways look at alternatives to LED’s.
Free guide to LED lighting
Our free 16-page guide to LED lighting covers different technical aspects you need to know including colour, flicker & lifetime.
Does your lighting still work for you?
Operational changes, ageing fittings & increased maintenance all lead to lighting that is no longer fit for purpose. We look at ways to help reduce your costs.
Cheap LED lighting. How good is that special offer really?
Looking into the hidden costs of cheap LED lighting and if the ROI is really as good as it seems.
LEDs: What should I expect from them?
The positives and negatives of LED’s and areas to consider
Is the Internet of Things (IoT) for me?
IOT has been touted as the next big thing, but is it? Is ‘connected’ lighting the future?
Upcycling Vs Recycling?
When it comes to lighting which would be best solution for you, Upcycling Vs Recycling? We explore the options and the Llumarlite view.
Upgrading to LED lighting – what to do about the emergency lighting.
A good place to start would be to understand the risks you and your building are currently taking…
Does your business have control of its lights?
How many owner/occupiers have systems in place and are working to take control of their lights in a cost-effective way? We look into the issues and solutions.